Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ5- Sterline Brown

DQ5- Sterline Brown

Q Exercise 1: After reviewing these documents any other independently researched source, explain why the U.S. Courts continue to make distinctions between public law enforcement powers and private sector enforcement issues. Incorporate into your response why a practical knowledge of the law is important to the corporate security officer and the security director and what impact criminal and tort law has on a corporation. Exercise 2: After reading the case, respond to the following: (1) Succinctly summarize the facts of the case regarding the arrest and any subsequent judicial action, if any. (2) Describe the issues the court had to settle and the legal arguments the plaintiff and the defendant advanced to the court in support of their respective positions. (3) Explain the court's ruling and its rationale. (4) Identify the ways this type of organizational and personal liability can be avoided.

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Exercise 1: United State court has made the division between the public law enforcement and private enforcement on the basis of the role each of them showcase. It has been seen that exposure that public law enforcement faces or encounters in terms of difficulty level, private security officer does not get this type of exposure.